Paper Submission
All Paper submissions for full papers and short papers (work-in-progress papers) are managed through EasyChair: Submission Link.
Submission Guidelines
Full papers and work-in-progress papers shall be submitted using the Springer LNCS format. Submitted full papers should not exceed 12 pages, and work-in-progress papers should not exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices). Posters and mew idea papers should be exactly 4 pages.
Final, camera-ready, revised paper have to be submitted in pdf format as well as either in LaTex or in MSWord format. The templates are available at the Springer Web site on Information for LNCS Author. The copyright form for accepted papers can be found at Springer LNCS.
Deadlines for full papers and short papers (work-in-progress papers) are:
- Full Paper and Short Paper (Work-in-Progress Paper) submission Deadline: June 30th, 2022
- Poster Submission Deadline (Extended abstract and poster) submission Deadline: June 30th, 2022
- Notification of Acceptance: July 19th, 2022
- Camera-Ready deadline: July 26th, 2021
- Poster submission for accepted papers deadline: August 2th, 2022
GECON 2022 follows the very successful previous editions of GECON conferences, in which high-quality technical papers have been presented and published in different outlets. As in the previous conferences,
- Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings that are published by Springer LNCS, which is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, and Compendex.
- Extended versions of up to 10 accepted papers in the computer science field will be invited for publication in a special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. The selection of papers will start right after the celebration of the 19th edition of GECON 2022, whose extended deadline is 30 June 2022. Participation in the conference is an ideal opportunity to receive feedback from the GECON community. After the invitation to participate in the special issue, a 40% different content to GECON Proceedings modified text/results is expected.
- For papers targeting mainly business and economics aspects within the conference, a special issue of the Springer Electronic Markets Journal with up to 5 papers is foreseen, and a special issue of the Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and Applications with up to 5 papers is considered.
At GECON 2022, we will give out three awards:
- Best Paper award for the best full paper
- Best Student Paper award for the best paper, in which the first author is a student
- Best Poster award for the best poster presented at GECON 2022.
Full Papers
Original full papers present completed research that is original and contains new ideas or methodologies. The paper illustrates results that demonstrate the performance of the research.
Short Papers (Work-in-Progress Papers)
Original work-in-progress (WIP) papers present research that addresses a challenging research question but does not necessarily contain a completed analysis.
Poster and New ideas Papers Submission Guidelines
Posters can be submitted as an extended abstract (4 pages + 1 page poster) which should not exceed 4 pages using the Springer LNCS format describing the poster content, research, relevance and importance to the GECON community. Additionally, the submission must include a fifth page that is an A4 draft of the poster.
New-idea papers provide a unique opportunity for PhD students and young researchers to present their new ideas, and senior researchers to present their starting activities, current progress, or novel approaches of their works. New ideas papers will be included in the poster sessions.
Authors of accepted full papers and short papers (work-in-progress papers) are also welcome to present their work in poster sessions, giving them a higher visibility than just giving a talk.
Poster dimensions: A0 size is recommended but A1 is also acceptable. Landscape.
Special Topic Sessions
Special sessions are organized by two session organizers. The session organizers propose a complete session of 1.5 hours that consists of four presentations on a particular topic. The session chair promotes the session and will ensure the quality of accepted works. Papers, on which the special session presentation is based, can be included in the LNCS proceedings. A joined paper of the session presenters is also possible.
If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are interested in running a special session as an organizer, please send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
GECON 2021 looks for tutorial proposals on topics related to the conference topics. The tutorials are supposed to give PhD students an overview about existing concepts, challenges, and future research directions.
Tutorial proposals should provide a title, an abstract, and a table of content.
If you are interested in running a tutorial, please send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Workshop submissions: WEGreen - SWForum and HUB4CLOUD Workshop on Engineering Green and Sustainable Software in the Computing Continuum. September 15th 2022. Program co-chairs (Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano; Giovanni Rimassa, CIO, Martel Innovate; David Wallom, University of Oxford) (workshop link)
Important Workshop Dates
- Submission of contribution July 25, 2022
- Notification of acceptance August 10, 2022
- Camera ready paper August 20, 2022
Types of submissions
The workshop format will be highly interactive, and is aimed at triggering discussion and facilitating the creation of new initiatives and research groups. We welcome vision papers and research reports in the form of short abstracts (up to 5 pages in the LNCS format). The submissions will be assessed by the workshop Program Committee for their relevance to the workshop topics and their potential impact in the discussion.
Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop and will be published in the workshop proceedings, as part of the GECON’22 proceedings.
While we strongly encourage in-presence participation, online attendees will be admitted as well.
Contact for Questions on the Submission Process
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